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A short popular saying, usually of unknown and ancient origin, thatexpresses effectively some commonplace truth or useful thought. A proverb means a short saying to the world. An ancient saying cheap jordans shoes Cheap jordan shoes Answer2: What is a proverb? One dictionary defines a proverb as “ashort sentence that people often quote, which gives advice cheap jordans size 9 or tellssomething about life.” The Yoruba of Nigeria define a proverb morecolorfully, calling it “a horse which can carry one swiftly to thediscovery of ideas.” The importance of proverbs, or proverbialsayings, is captured in this proverb well known to the Akan peopleof Ghana: “A wise person is spoken to in proverbs, not in prose.”The point is that a wise person does not always need a lecture inorder to be convinced of the right thing to do.

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