الرئيسية غير مصنف “Instead, Garlow told his followers he would be endorsing

“Instead, Garlow told his followers he would be endorsing

(CNN) On Sunday cheap bikinis cheap bikinis0, pastor Jim Garlow of Skyline Church in California stood before his congregation of more than 2,000 and told them he would be making an unusual announcement.The pastor proceeded to warn his audience against voting for a candidate in the upcoming midterm elections who supports gay marriage and abortion cheap bikinis, even if that candidate, Carl DeMaio cheap bikinis, is a Republican.Garlow, an outspoken evangelical who played a major role in organizing Christian groups in support of California’s anti gay marriage Proposition 8, spoke plainly: He would not be supporting the Republican in this race.”I know enough that you cannot have the advancing of the radical homosexual agenda and religious liberty at the same time, in the same nation cheap bikinis cheap bikinis,” he preached. “One will win, and one will lose.”Instead, Garlow told his followers he would be endorsing DeMaio’s rival, Democratic incumbent Scott Peters, representative for California’s 52nd District cheap bikinis, to send a scathing message to Republican leadership that candidates who back abortion and gay rights are unacceptable to the party’s Christian base.Garlow is one of a growing number of Americans who say that religion should play a greater role in politics, according to the findings of a recent study by the Pew Research Forum Religion Public Life Project.The study found that almost three quarters of the American public 72% believes that religion’s influence is waning in public life, the highest level in Pew Research polling over the past 10 years.And many Americans say that trend is a bad thing, the study found.Opinion by the Rev. Fred D.

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