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Wholesale Replica Bags Dave Clark interview: Darts presenter lifts lid on five years of battling Parkinson’s and refusing to throw in the towelClark will not let uninvited guests like Parkinson’s get in 7a replica bags wholesale the way of business as usualBattle: Dave Clark hasn’t stopped presenting on Sky s (Image: Sky s)Get daily news updates directly to your inboxSubscribeSee our privacy noticeMore newslettersThank you for subscribingWe have more newslettersShow meSee our privacy noticeCould not subscribe, try again laterInvalid EmailHe trots out the date and time, to the nearest minute, as if it was a train timetable.Precisely 10.47am on 25 January 2011, a Tuesday morning, the moment Dave Clark was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease the creeping, insidious illness that will affect one in 500 of us could have turned him into a recluse.The clues had been there, and he had watched the same horrid condition kill his father, Alan.But instead of letting it break his spirit and submerge him like the tide, Clark resolved that, although his life would never be the same, the fight was only just beginning.On Thursday night, as a new season of Betway Premier League darts opens in front of a sell out 12,000 crowd in Leeds, with a re run of Gary Anderson’s world championship final against Adrian Lewis topping the bill, Clark will anchor Sky s’ live coverage as usual.For the next 15 weeks, as the tungsten circus pitches its big top all over Britain and for the first replica designer bags wholesale time in Rotterdam, Clark will front the biggest Thursday night party since Tony Blair kicked out the Tories.The trek will finish at Robin Hood’s Bay, near Whitby, where Clark used to spend his summer holidays as a kid.Now 49, there are signs of the illness tightening its grip: the cramps at night, the struggle to hold a pen, the shakes.But as he faces the cameras again, Clark is determined to prove that Parkinson’s may be a life sentence but it’s not the end of the world.”Last month was my fifth https://www.youreplicabags.com anniversary the specialist prefaced the news by asking me if I had a big mortgage, and immediately I knew it was serious.”My handwriting had been getting smaller, which is a telling symptom, and I was getting an aching, numb sensation in my right hand.”I thought I had damaged a nerve throwing myself around in goal playing five a side, but it turned out to be something a bit more fundamental.”Five years down the line, on a bad day I can’t even write my own name. It has affected my right arm more, so I taught myself to write left handed.”I also walk with a limp now, which is a bit annoying, but on good days when my medication has kicked in I still get around well enough.”My two boys, who best replica designer are 13 and 10, are aware that dad is a ‘Parky’ who sometimes needs a couple of attempts to get out of his armchair.”But they love watching Back To The replica bags china Future Michael J. Fox is still going strong 25 years after he was diagnosed and in boxing Freddie Roach, an absolute hero of mine, is still training world champions Wholesale replica bags from china Replica Bags.